Saturday, June 9, 2012

Come Holy Spirit!

Today, the Lord called me to humility.  This morning, while I was still in my food frustration, I delayed my morning prayers to get working on my granola-making.  Once the granola was in the oven, I read the readings of the day in the Magnificat.  For a moment, I contemplated reading the Sunday readings as well, but opted to move onto other tasks.  Then, my daughter woke up and I realized that we were out of milk.  I ran to the convenience store at the corner gas station.  The whole morning was hectic.

This evening, we went to Sunday Vigil (Saturday evening) Mass.  I am a reader for our parish, but I was scheduled for last week, so I didn't feel compelled to prepare for the readings.  Apparently the momentary contemplation during my morning prayer was inspired by the prompting of the Holy Spirit--and I brushed off the prompting.  Just a few minutes before Mass, our pastor asked me to do the readings since the scheduled reader did not show.  My nervousness at being unprepared, led to a big mistake at the beginning of the first reading.  I had to restart after asking the priest's confirmation that I was on the right page.  I calmed down a bit, but turned the page in the Lectionary, realizing only then that I also would need to read an incredibly beautiful three-page Sequence (poem) about the Body and Blood of Christ since this weekend is Corpus Christi.  In any case, I realized that I didn't listen to the promptings of the Spirit, and I was given a lesson in humility in front of a fairly packed church!  If I'd read the readings this morning, I would have been prepared this evening.  Although I didn't make additional errors, I felt rather foolish.

In spite of the embarrassing moment--or maybe as a result of it--I felt the closeness of the Lord at Mass tonight.  As I received Jesus through the Most Holy Sacrifice of the Altar, the Eucharist, I knew my Lord wants to strengthen me.  Although I am like a little child who doesn't really know what's best for her, God knows.  I just need to remember to listen.  He will guide me.  I see His Hand in my life, and I know when I listen in prayer throughout the day, He will show me the paths.

Come Holy Spirit!

Living the Sweet Catholic Life

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