Friday, June 8, 2012

Decluttering my Domestic Church

Today I decided to start a blog.  Why?  I'm not really sure.  I went to a conference on Wednesday, June 6, about distance courses in higher education.  The keynote speaker, Paul Gillin, talked about the changing climate of Social Business.  He mentioned notable folks who have started blogs and other online ventures and receive thousands of visitors per day.  I don't know that I want that sort of attention, but I imagine I have some useful ideas that I could share with other folks out there who have similar interests or concerns.

Perhaps that is my inspiration.  Sometimes I just want to talk about the million ideas that flood my mind on a given day or share some interesting tidbit I've learned about homeschooling, teaching English to college students. gardening, cooking, cleaning, etc.

In any case, my focus for today and the summer is purging my home of unnecessary things.  I decided for the Nth time that I would declutter my home and make it a more pleasant place for my family--our Domestic Church.  So today is about that.  Usually September is the time when I feel renewed and excited about re-organizing and decluttering and getting ready for a new school year.  But this year I've decided to tackle the project over the summer.  And that's part of the inspiration here.  With four children, we've accumulated a lot of "gifts" over the years--many of which are cluttering our 3-bedroom 1000-square-foot ranch!

As homeschoolers, we need places to study and to work, and of course, to stow away our materials when they are not in use.  I look at blogs of the "organized" moms who have beautiful schoolrooms and tidy shelves and bins for each student, and I admittedly salivate.  Why can't we have that?  I'm not sure if I really want it, but I do desire the orderliness that would seemingly lead to smoother days and studious children (okay, I'm a dreamer!).

I have been a subscriber of for a number of years.  I love the idea of baby steps.  I often do the daily missions.  But honestly, the whole decluttering hasn't happened.  My main living areas don't look terrible.  I can have people over and not feel too self-conscious.  However, the laundry room is a dumping ground.  My dream vision of the room is that it will be repainted to brighten the gloomy dark wood paneling.  The space includes the water heater and furnace, as well as a large cedar closet and shelves for food and tools, Christmas decorations and out of season/grow-into clothing.  Plastic totes, baby toys, lots of dusty picture frames, half-used paint cans, etc. litter the space.  I don't like it.  

Dark, scary basement
Do I really need all of these cans of paint?

The island of misfit stuff.
Intellectually, and with FlyLady's help, I totally get that one cannot organize clutter. The clutter must be eliminated. I'm embarrassed (a little) that I am displaying my clutter here.  I know, however, that the first step to a great transformation is Before Pictures!  I'm hoping to post the updates by the end of July--maybe new windows and painted walls in addition to floors that can be walked safely and items where they belong!  We'll see!  Today, I'll start with something small, and tomorrow I'll let you know what I accomplished.

In spite of the clutter, I am one of the happiest people I know, though admittedly I have days where I grumble.  In the days to come, I will share some of the secrets of my joy.  In a nutshell, the secrets aren't really secret--anyone can have them.  First, I make God the center of my life.  I struggle daily, but I know my goal is Heaven.  Second, love people where they are.  Even when they are hideously mean and do nasty things, pray for them.  Remember that they are God's beloved children.  And when you struggle, find trusted family and friends who lift you and encourage you.  If you are reading this blog, know that I will be praying for you.

God Bless,

"Living the Sweet Life"

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