Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Thanksgiving Preparations without Stress

Many times over the years when I've hosted a holiday meal, I've gotten stressed and cranky.  Thanksgiving is tomorrow, so I don't know if I'll make it through without a "mommy meltdown," but I feel more relaxed than I have the past month.  A few weeks ago I felt rather blue, overwhelmed by the darkness of fall.  The past week, though, I refocused my energies on the important things.  Meal planning.  Exercise.  Working with my children on school.  Most importantly, communicating with God.

Meal planning makes the whole day smoother.  If I know in the morning what I'm cooking for dinner, the rest of the day seems to magically fall into place.  This week especially, I knew every day what we'd be having for dinner, and in spite of "out of the house" appointments every day, dinner was ready on time and satisfying.

Exercise dropped to the bottom of my list after the half-marathon in October.  I prefer running outdoors, and the dark days limit when I can run.  Yes, that's an excuse.  I went for my yearly physical this week, and when I mentioned minor irritations I've suffered recently, the first thing the good doctor asked was whether I have a regular exercise regimen.  No offers for pills or tests, just, "Are you exercising?  If not, get on it!"  Dear Reader, I don't know about you, but sometimes I just need someone to tell me what to do!  The doctor's strong advice propelled my desire for immediate change.  I knew that I would go to dance class that night.  I know that I will run Thanksgiving morning and again on Sunday.  Exercise strengthens my body and my mind, reducing stress.  The change must happen now, not when the days are longer and warmer!

When homeschooling feels like a chore or a bore, I want to quit and send everyone to school. More excuses--I can't do everything, they don't listen, etc.  However, I finally realized that if it's not working, I need to change. So I did! After prayer, I put their work first most days instead of my chores. And guess what happened?  My kids grew to be more motivated and interested in their work.  I'm enjoying sitting with them and talking through their lessons.  Last week, we read and discussed the Declaration of Independence.  Working from the primary document, we discussed why the Colonists sought independence from England and what makes a government tyrannical.  Yes, the 7-year-old was a little bored and antsy at times, but the 11-year-old was engaged, making connections.  We looked up the hard words in the document as we read.  That day was probably the best history lesson I ever experienced, as a student or a teacher.

Communicating with God through prayer makes all of the rest possible.  My youngest child is preparing for First Communion this school year.  Again, as his teacher, I'm learning more about the faith.  Our lesson plans recommend reading passages from The Faith Explained by Fr. Leo J. Trese.  I've owned the book for a while, but I began studying it more seriously this fall.  What a treasure!  Catholic teachings are explained simply, with depth.  The section on prayer explains the purpose of prayer as "adoration, thanksgiving, repentance and petition." The gentle reminder that petition should only come after adoring, thanking, and repenting particularly impressed me.

Today, I had the joyous experience of a visit from a Jehovah's Witness.  Their Kingdom Hall is less than a mile from my house, so they frequently knock at my door. I usually answer, listen to their message, and say no thank you to their tracts (always kindly and cordially). Today, I was outside when a group was working their way through my neighborhood.  "Sue" approached me, alone (usually they come in pairs).  I cheerfully entered a conversation with Sue regarding my daily study of scripture.  We agreed that God speaks very clearly to us through the scripture and that in these tumultuous times, we must turn to Him.  I shared with her that I had recently taught my young son the Lord's Prayer and that instead of simply memorizing the words, we talked about what each phrase meant and how the prayer helps us to know God.  She seemed surprised at my enthusiasm.  We kept talking.  She shared a passage from Timothy.  I shared my experience reading the parable of the talents this morning.  She asked me what my faith is.  I told her that I'm Roman Catholic.  She seemed stunned.  She said she hasn't met many Catholics who study scripture.  I mentioned how rich our faith is and how we can worship daily at Mass, and that every day we have scriptures from the Old or New Testament and a reading from the Gospel.  The Holy Spirit guided me to evangelize the evangelizer.  We shared a moment, loving God together.  She offered me a book about the Bible and said she'd like to talk to me again.  I don't know God's plan, but I know that today I witnessed to the Faith.  He used me as Salt and Light, and I'm so overjoyed to be Jesus' Witness!

As this evening draws to a close, I will turn in prayer to God, just as I did this morning.  First, my God, I adore you.  I am in awe of your creation all around me, especially humanity.  I thank you, this Thanksgiving Eve, for the blessings you so abundantly shower upon me, especially when I am a retched servant who hides her talent.  For those times when I am far from you, you are still near.  Forgive me.  My petition, help me to more genuinely adore, thank, and repent.  And help me and all hosts and hostesses to stay calm and joyful tomorrow, if it be in accordance with Your Holy Will.  Amen.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Veteran's Day

Yesterday was Veteran's Day, but today schools, banks, and government offices are closed in observance of the holiday.  Many men in my family served in the military, including my father in the U.S. Air Force, my grandfather and uncle in the Navy, and my husband in the Coast Guard.  To them and to all who have served to defend and protect the United States of America, to all who have served in times of crisis and natural disasters, to all who have been stationed on foreign soils, Thank You!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Rock the Vote!

Finally, after today, no more political ads for a while.  I lost a Facebook "friend" a few months ago when she and another friend were debating on my page.  The funny thing is, it got all political when I made a comment about something that didn't seem political to me.  I realized the lost friend was not much of a friend since she "unfriended" me before I made a single response in their debate.  Presidential election years seem to make people just a bit more nutty than normal.  I'd personally prefer to talk about food and gardening than politics!

However, it's our responsibility to be aware of the candidates and the issues.  Today, as a Catholic, I must vote on the side of life, on the ballot questions and on the candidates. I must vote on the side of life from "the womb to the tomb" in God's time, not the mercy killer or the abortionist's time.  I must trust that our Creator has a better plan for our lives and our suffering than we could ever imagine in our limited human capacity.  Today, I pray especially for those who find themselves pregnant and despairing or facing a terminal illness--and for those with the misguided, though often well-meaning, solution.  May they recognize the value in every human life, that we are all precious sons and daughters of God the Father.

All American Citizens--I encourage you to exercise your right and rock the vote today!

Friday, November 2, 2012

All Souls Day

Today our homeschool group joined together for First Friday Mass.  The young priest, who was ordained this past summer, gave a sermon about Purgatory and the importance of praying for the Holy Souls awaiting the full joys of heaven during their time of final preparation.  He explained that the Church Triumphant are the Saints in Heaven (the goal for all of us!), the Church Militant are those here on earth, and the Church Suffering are the Souls in Purgatory.  A parishioner who has a special devotion to praying for the Church Suffering asked Father to remind us to pray for the Souls in Purgatory--they need our prayers for their final purification to be fully in God's presence in Heaven.  Plus, when they are in Heaven, they will return the prayers on our behalf!

Father offered Mass in a small chapel in the parish rectory.  The small space was perfect for the five families who participated today.  At the homeschool Masses, the children greatly outnumber the adults and babies make noise, and that's okay.  I don't have small children anymore--my youngest is 7.  I remember going to weekday Masses when my children were infants and toddlers and worrying so much about disrupting the Daily Communicants.  Many of them told me they liked to hear children at Mass, which made me feel a little better, but I didn't understand.  Now, when I hear small children at Mass, especially during the Consecration, I recall Luke 18:15-17:
People were bringing even infants to him that he might touch them, and when the disciples saw this, they rebuked them. 
Jesus, however, called the children to himself and said, “Let the children come to me and do not prevent them; for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Amen, I say to you, whoever does not accept the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it.”
I look to the altar (often to notice a smiling priest) and imagine Our Lord grinning at the coos and cries and calls of "Da Da Da."  

Thank you, Lord Jesus, for the gift of our holy priests, especially those who graciously give time to our homeschool group.  Thank you for the gift of our families--let us love and appreciate them from the "womb to the tomb" as Father prayed today.  Thank you especially on this All Soul's Day for those who've gone before us--purify them as gold so they may join the Church Triumphant!  Amen.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Searching for My Narrative Voice

Happy All Saints Day!

This morning, on the way to Mass, I thought of a story I started in graduate school for a fiction-writing class.  The memory inspired me to revisit the characters in the novel I will write this month.  I found the draft dated October 25, 1995.  The folder contained numerous copies with comments from my classmates.  One particular draft had a sea of blue ink--comments, corrections, critiques--from one of my peers.  The final remark, Reread and think about what you want to do with this as a storyteller.  Then write and explore!--AZ

My biggest hangup with writing fiction has been my resistance to the role of storyteller.  I am too nice to my characters. I protect them.  I help them avoid danger. I help them make good choices.  Then, I run out of story before it begins.

Thank you, AZ, for telling me 18 years ago to think about how I want to approach the story.  I took your advice and reread.  I see an opportunity here!  And once it's written, I may seek you out and send you a manuscript that you can cover in blue ink.