Wednesday, June 20, 2012

It's Wednesday--Why Does It Feel Like Monday?

I gave my blog a very optimistic name.  I still believe I live a pretty sweet life, but I'm grouchy today.  Feeling a little sorry for myself when nothing is actually wrong.  I'm making some progress on the house purge.  I found a buyer for an item I posted on Craig's list within 24 hours of my post.  My friend is planning a garage sale, so I'll have another venue to unload and possibly earn some cash.  Also, we have a pile of donations started for a local Head Start program.  There's hope for the laundry room project after all!

I'm realizing a few things this week.  First, although I've been wanting a summer off for the last 8 years, I'm working again. I'm overdue for a sabbatical! I really would prefer to be reworking my course for the fall and doing my summer household and garden work rather than grading essays.  However, God has a different plan for me and I need to be open to it.  I did not request to teach this summer, but I was assigned the course anyway.  I take that as a sign that it's what I need to be doing now.  The students are doing good work thus far, so reading their papers is rather pleasant.  I just seem to feel so groggy when I'm at the computer for an extended amount of time.

As part of my desire for order and a clean house, I requested a book from the library called Confessions of an Organized Homemaker by Deniece Schofield.  I read it years ago and learned a lot.  Unfortunately I slipped back into many bad, clutter-building habits in the past decade.  In addition to physical clutter, I have accumulated massive quantities of time clutter and mental clutter.  One particularly bad habit is Facebook.  I enjoy communicating with people, but I realize I "check" Facebook way more than I need to, and then I have less time available to do the things I need to do because I'm dawdling online.  I plan to limit myself to once or twice a day max and see how my other schedules improve.

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