Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Impetuous Me

Sometimes my filter falls off and I blurt out comments at the most inopportune moments.  It used to happen a lot more frequently, but God in His Mercy has gifted me with Wisdom and Self Control which usually keeps me in check.  Once in a while, though, I still taste that shoe leather. That's the problem with words.  Once they're out, they can't come back in and be forgotten. Those words must be owned, and sometimes eaten.

Yesterday I said, "You changed it!" And she had.  But she didn't realize it until I blurted.  I wasn't saying anything bad or mean, but the blurt sounded almost accusatory.  My impetuous nature, in the excitement of noticing the changed dance step, lead me to an exclamation in the wrong tone of voice in the middle of the dance.  I had hoped she would change it, and had planned to ask her to change it just the way she had.  But I certainly could have waited until the music stopped to calmly mention the change.  I don't think my comment was taken as an offense, but it was jarring and certainly not at the right moment. I quickly apologized (when the music stopped) because I hadn't intended to be disruptive.

I received a different gift in that moment--Humility.  He gives me that one a lot.

Dear Lord, 
Thank you for the gifts you so lavishly pour forth on your children.  Help me to use those gifts to honor you in my brothers and sisters.  Thank you for the nature you've given me that makes me impetuous at times.  Help me to keep it in check when it could hurt, offend, or annoy others.  I love you Lord!

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